There are people in life that when you meet them you know its' ALL GOOD! A brief intro... I had to go to the arena to photograph the Penguin's Matt Carkner for a poster a week or so ago. This was the typical tough-guy - fist wheeling photo that Matt is doing with the Penguins to help raise money for cancer. His mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Along with many other things, Matt will have his head shaved by the highest bidder, on center ice after Friday nights hockey game! (You can bet I will post these photos) After the shoot he asked if I would be willing to do some family photos, "we came highly recommended from Denis Bonvie".
So his family came in the studio and I wasn't ready for the kindness.... The whole family were just instantly likable! On top of that.... these two were genuinely in love!! Like that newly-web in love stuff!! It was just fun being around people like this!! Anyway the session was a ton of fun! There little boy is as personable as he is cute, and Matt's wife, wow - beautiful, intelligent and witty - all wrapped up into one package! Matt - your blessed! And Matt is deserving of it all!
Thank you so much Carkners! Can't wait for the new addition!
View The Carkners' Sitting!
Matt's Fight Against Cancer
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