There is a point in everyone's life that defines them as a person - and in their career. The only question is - when is it coming?! I hope that when it comes you know it - and that you make the right decision!
Here is the best example I have ever heard of a life defining moment, that Fox News reported on this morning.
In a surprising outburst, Queen Elizabeth II lost her cool and stormed out of a photo shoot after celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz asked her to remove her crown for an official portrait, the Daily Mail of London reports. According to the newspaper, the incident was instigated by Leibovitz, who told Queen Elizabeth II that she thought she would “look better without the crown, because the garter robe is so. …”
Before Leibovitz could finish saying the subsequent word “extraordinary”, the Queen raised her eyebrows, gave the photographer an unfriendly stare and responded, “Less dressy? What do you think this is?” pointing to what she was wearing.
Ok - who in their right mind would ask the Queen to remove her crown for an "Official Portrait" of the queen? Maybe its just me.... but when I think queen, its usually an old woman with a crown or a blazingly gay friend with an attitude. So much for the "right decision" in Annie's case!